Regan here! For those that do not know, I am the owner and operator of Maine Photo Works. Many of you have already been aware of this for weeks through my posts on the business's social media pages, but I am pregnant!!! Since the business is owner operated and there is no one to take my place when baby time comes, Maine Photo Works will be closed for a few weeks this spring into early summer.
The last day of business before my leave is Saturday April 12th. Please read on below for details.
After Saturday April 12th the business will be completely shut down and no orders will be fulfilled until early to mid June. However, you will still be able to send in orders to get in my print queue for when I return! The entire website will still be live, so please do feel free to place orders with the understanding that they will not be ready until mid June 2025 at the earliest.
When I do return to the studio in June, I will be operating by appointment only. Orders can still be sent in online and order inquiries can be sent via email. They will be treated on a first come first served basis, so please do not hesitate to reach out and get in my queue even during my maternity leave (though I will not be responding until June).
Starting in June, appointments can be made via email or text. Please direct those to regan@mainephotoworks.com and (207) 536-0927. I will get back to you to set up a time as soon as I can.
My hope is that by July I will be ready to bring back some regular walk-in hours again, though I expect that will be part time to begin with and turnaround times will be a bit slower than usual.
Those of you who are my regular creative clients know it breaks my heart to leave you all hanging in the beginning of the busy summer season. However, I do believe the dedicated time spent with my little one in those first few weeks is invaluable and endlessly worth the sacrifice. The feedback from my regular clients has been so understanding and for that I feel so truly lucky. As I shift into this new role as a mother, it means so much to me to have such an amazing community supporting my business and my growing family. Thank you all!
As of the creation of this update (03-25-25), it is already too late for a lot of orders to be completed before my break. However, I can still do the following as long as the orders are placed by 4 PM on Friday April 4th.
🐥 Regular old print orders from existing digital files--quantities on the low end--think a handful!
🐥 This means no more print or artwork reproductions for now (unless it's something you and I have printed together before!)
🐥 Artwork scanning orders with 1-3 originals
🐥 Standard quality print + slide scanning orders with quantities of 50 or less
Please keep in mind that ordering any of these things as late as April 4th likely means that your order will be ready for pick up in the last few days that I am open. So, be prepared to scoot in fast if you'd like to pick up your order before maternity leave!
After Friday April 4th, all orders taken will be completed after maternity leave. Most likely ready for pick up somewhere in the mid to late June range (depending on scale + quantity, of course).
If you are not already, I'd strongly suggest following the business on Facebook and Instagram to get updates on my return. That is where I will update the most!
With the utmost gratitude,